This schedule is intended to have all possible information on the same screen as well as a postit, the number of tasks, alarms programmed or Android 3 onwards events contacts, for example if a contact that day is your birthday you will see an icon of a cake, if it's a few hearts anniversary see if any other event you see an icon of a megaphone.
- Change the color of your calendar to your taste!
- You can choose text size and font individually in your postits or if you prefer to disable this option in settings and use the same color and font for all postits
- Displays number of postits, tasks and alarms from calendar
- Short press on a day to edit this postit
- Long press:
* Enter Postits to manage postits that day
* Enter Tasks to manage the tasks of the day
* (Based on Android 3) Login to manage events contact
* Eliminate postit that day
* Remove all posttis that day
* Remove all tasks of the day
* Disable all alarms that day
In postits:
- Add several postits in one day (the first is displayed in the calendar)
- Eliminates postits you select
- Change the position of the postits by a long press
- Add multiple notes in one day
- Add to each task an alarm
- Eliminates the tasks selections
(From Android 3)
In Events contact:
- A list the name and type of event each contact is displayed with photo
- Icons:
* Indicates Icon cake birthday event
* Hearts icon indicates anniversary
* Megaphone icon indicates overall event
* You can choose your alarms in your device dictate voice-dos!, Go to Settings and activate it.
- Available backs widgets, uno con todos los dispositivos compliant visualizar para el segundo y el main postit, y otro (from Android 3.0 to superior) tipo lista con todos los del día postits
- You can order your postits dragging with your finger, hold the postit to move and drag it to its new position
(Turn this feature in settings if you prefer choose the position by buttons and keyboard or if you experience any incompatibility)
- You can delete a note by dragging it with your finger left or right (if an alarm is active in this note will be dropped), delete each note that this method allows you to undo and completely remove the screen when leaving notes
此计划的目的是让在同一屏幕上所有可能的信息,以及一个postit,任务数,报警程序或Android 3起事件的接触,例如,如果一个接触的那一天是你的生日,你会看到一个图标蛋糕,如果它是一个心里有数周年看看是否有任何其他事件中,你看到一个传声筒的图标。
- 改变您的日历的颜色你的口味!
- 你可以选择文字大小和字体分别在postits或者您希望禁用的设置此选项,并使用相同的颜色和字体都postits
- 显示postits,任务数量和警报从日历
- 在一天短按编辑这个postit
- 长按:
*(基于Android 3)登录到管理活动联系
- 添加在一天几个postits(第一显示在日历)
- 消除您选择postits
- 通过长按更改postits的位置
- 添加多个音符在一天
- 添加到每个任务警报
- 消除了任务的选择
- 一个列表中的名称和事件的类型中的每个联系人显示照片
- 图标:
- 可用背上小部件,UNO CON待办事项洛杉矶dispositivos兼容visualizar第埃尔塞贡多Ÿ埃尔主要postit,Y OTRO(从Android 3.0的上级)TIPO LISTA CON待办事项洛杉矶德尔DIA postits
- 你可以订购您postits拖动用手指按住postit移动,并将其拖动到新位置
- 您可以通过用手指向左或向右拖动它(如果报警是活跃在这个音符将被丢弃)删除笔记,删除每个音符,这种方法可以让你撤消和完全离开时的注意事项清除屏幕